In one of my last projects, I was responsible for setting up an international sales channel. An exciting and challenging task that went far beyond strategic skill. Two key questions were always at the center of my work:

  • Which sales channels suit the company’s goals?
  • How do we create sustainable structures that enable long-term growth?


The first step was a detailed market and target group analysis, because only those who know their potential customers can tailor pricing, distribution channels, communication, marketing and logistics precisely. Consumers differ considerably depending on the country. Here are three examples.


Great Britain

The British lifestyle market is growing continuously and is just behind China, the USA and France.

  • Consumers are aware of the environmental impact of their decisions.
  • They are more likely to buy a product as a gift than for themselves.
  • The social symbolism of established brands is highly valued


In the past, consumers placed greater value on appearances than on their own needs. Today, customers in the UK are more aware of their situation and the impact of their actions. They are judged by their decisions and are therefore less likely to make spontaneous purchases. Uncertainty and responsibility are the most important drivers here.


United States

The United States is home to one of the largest and most diverse lifestyle markets in the world. However, this market is in transition as new trends and consumer preferences are emerging that are changing the landscape forever. The country is facing uncertainties due to subdued economic growth and the consequences of a prolonged period of high inflation. Nevertheless, spending remains high, and purchase intentions are reaching record levels.

Traditional American consumers

  • are chronically online
  • are impulse driven
  • are demanding
  • want to be part of a product-community


Today, the focus is on intentionality, awareness and self-care in conjunction with a redefinition of what is important. Financial fears and insecurities play a major role.



Fashion accounts for around 80 percent of the Indian lifestyle market. With the rapid introduction of modern technology, economic growth and the resulting economic opening to the western world, there has been a huge increase in demand for luxury lifestyle goods with a focus on electronic products.

Traditional Indian consumers

  • save their money
  • are not familiar with online retail
  • are family oriented
  • are reluctant to flaunt their wealth
  • value brands from their own country


The rapidly growing upper middle class, including Generation Z, is changing consumer behavior for lifestyle products:

  • rapid growth in e-commerce usage
  • desire for western luxury goods
  • deep-rooted pride in the homeland


I think it has become clear that a successful market entry strategy, including processes and KPIs, can only be developed based on a detailed and well-founded market, competition, and target group analysis.

Despite all the planning and strategy, there is one thing you must never lose sight of: The people. After all, a successful sales system is always based on considering what people want – not the company. Particularly in international markets, it is crucial to engage in dialog, communicate authentically and actively involve both teams and partners. This is the only way to create truly sustainable relationships that ensure long-term success.


The result? With patience, courage, consistency and trust, the international sales channel has been successfully established.

Do you need help with the introduction of a new sales strategy? Get in touch with me!