I am your expert for international sales, the development of sales strategies, POS analyses and sales support. I help you find the right answers to the following questions.


What style landscapes guarantee the highest possible traffic and sales flows in shops, on platforms and on websites? How can you surprise your customers? How can you turn your sales staff into brand ambassadors and sources of happiness for your customers? What’s best: Wall or island solutions? Multi-brand or mono-brand concept? Standard or luxurious?

Monique Fischer Consulting Retail Expertin


How can your brand strategy be realised in stores and your sales success increased? How can you increase the volume of customers and average sales? Do you have the right people present? How do you address your customers and how high is customer satisfaction in stores? Do you have experience with mystery shopping? How good is your CRM?

Monique Fischer Consulting Key Account

Key account

How do you position your brand in the trade, in relation to international key accounts, upon market entry and on an international level? Do you regularly analyse your existing sales organisation, marketing and product performance? Have you defined your global sales strategy?

sales, pos-analysis, e-commerce, marketing


How can I bring greater emotionality to my online and offline presence? Are you conducting your own e-commerce or are you using international platforms? Have you analysed advantages and disadvantages precisely? How advanced is the development of your online and offline sales strategy?